25 Jul 2017

While it does not happen very often, sometimes a professional opportunity comes along that you cannot turn down. A major challenge, involving working alongside institutions and the social fabric of Pamplona for the development of its response protocol to sexual attacks. While the “high” point is (and always has been) the San Fermín festivities, Pamplona has now developed a fundamental social innovation and management tool to ensure that violence against women does not go unpunished in any part of the city at any time of the year.

We have accompanied the reflection and the implementation of measures that have made Pamplona a benchmark to serve as a referenced when it comes to working together to establish a clear position of condemnation as well as a positive mobilisation of the public.

The work that has taken place over these last few months has served as an endless source of learning, and we are so proud of our participation, however small it may be, in the shaping of the exemplary position held by the city today. Our contribution has been targeted towards assisting in the agreement around the complaint and response terms, improvement of the internal structure and collaboration between institutional and social agents, the co-creation of actions, learning for the media and, ultimately, social progress.